Thursday, February 7, 2013

2/7/13 - Day 18

We are meditating 20 minutes every day now.  

If you are religious and you are uncomfortable meditating let me know.  I like to say a quick prayer before I meditate and a longer prayer after.  The power of prayer can be unparalleled.  

After my 6am yoga class I invited the class, there were about 60 people this morning to meditate with me for 20 minutes.  There were a bunch of you in evolve this morning and I thought you could get your 20 minutes on.  There were seven people that ended up joining in the group meditation and it felt so good.  I would like to try to do that after my 6am classes from now on.  

This is one of my favorite books.  You can read it if you are interested in mindfulness.  

Remember your daily yoga meal.


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