Wednesday, December 12, 2012


       I had an idea this morning to start a blog about my weight loss.  I've been trying to loose weight for the last several years and I feel like I've tried everything and sometimes a loose a little, but mostly I have just kept gaining weight since I fell in love a few years back.  I am a yoga teacher and I practice and teach yoga almost daily, and yoga is one of my most favorite things to do, but it is just not keeping me thin anymore.  I feel like I eat really healthy already, so I am so confused why my body doesn't feel like it is the best shape it could be.  Over the last month, I have decided to try something completely different.  I have met with a personal trainer, my friend and fellow yoga teacher, Danielle, and she has helped me focus my energy on something new.  She has urged me to join this group at Lifetime Fitness, where I teach yoga, called Team Weight Loss.  I am attending (or trying) three TWL classes a week and also doing two strength building sessions a week.  Big sigh here.... Danielle helped me realize that at this point (I've been practicing yoga for over 13 years) yoga isn't really a workout anymore, instead it is just like brushing my teeth, it is just something I do.  This is a huge revelation for me and a lot to wrap my head around so over the last month we have been working together to get me in motion with this new plan.  I started buying a heart rate monitor and watch to keep track of everything, I had a cardio point assessment recorded, and I have started a food journal.
      Food journaling is not for me, I can't handle it.  I was talking to my husband about all my food journaling hang ups and he asked me, "Why don't you just take pictures of everything you eat?"  I thought about it and really couldn't come up with any reasons why I shouldn't do that, and so I decided he had thought of a wonderful idea and I will give him all the credit for it.  It has been a few days and I haven't journaled or photographed anything still, and so this morning when I decided to get with the program, I picked up my iPhone to take a picture and it hit me.  I'll create a blog of my weight loss adventures.  I can post the pictures of what I am eating and writing down my weight loss happenings will be therapeutic for me.  Maybe I will even get some readers and then I will be even more accountable to my goals.  I have some serious goals.  Namely, I want to be in the best shape of my life by the time I turn 30, June 6, 2013!  I have a reasonable amount of time to accomplish this, and I am taking the steps necessary to get this done.  My blog's name is, elizabeth's weight loss adventures, and the website is, because I am going to accomplish this by the time I'm 30!  Wish me luck, focus and determination!  I'm off!


  1. hi lizzylove,

    i just came across this book, WOMEN, FOOD & GOD,:

    do you want to read it with me?



  2. I do want to add an important comment about yoga and weight loss. When I first stated practicing yoga over thirteen years ago, it was awesome for my body and still is. I feel like the first 10 years of my practice kept me sleek and super toned, but my body is telling me to change it up. I think if you are looking to loose weight and haven't tried yoga seriously for a committed amount of time, commit to it, you will for sure loose weight and find the best, leanest version of you, but what I am finding after 13+ years of practice, is that my body has just become very efficient at the moves and again, it is time to shake some things up a bit.

  3. Elizabeth,
    Just wanted to send a quick note…I saw that you’ve started a blog to share your weight loss journey. I know I don’t know you that well but I wanted to thank you for your openness on this topic! As you know yoga isn’t about your size but at times I’ve been discouraged. I’m truly inspired by you and other skilled practitioners/teachers who actually have a more curvy body I can better relate to. It gives me hope that you don’t have to have a single digit dress size to practice yoga.

    Good luck with your journey and Happy New Year!
